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Fan Fiction





Some Odd News


Number 15

Chapter 2

Monday 14th of January

It has been 2 weeks and still no Abe. It's strange; none of the bosses has said anything? But they have raised the capture prize. We still get a promotion, but now it's $2000000 instead of $1000000. They must have a lot of money up their sleeves! 14 and I have become very close. We are best friends! Since I have never had one before, it's pretty cool! It's lunchtime at the moment and I'm sitting with 14.

"When do you think this Abe Mudokon will be captured?" I said to 14.
No one else was at this table… And I hoped no one would come. I was a peaceful Lunch, nothing different, coffee. I know it's not very healthy, but here you get what you're given… (Cigarette and coffee!) 

"I don't know." 14 said

"Maybe never." I said gazing out the dark pathetically small window.

"You know what I heard today?"14 said

"No what?" I said

"15 Sligs went missing today. The Vykkers say that they were possessed, and then went "kasplat!" If you know what I mean." 14 finished.

"Yuck." I said

"Where are you positioned today?" I asked 14

"SoulStorm" 14 said

"Oh I'm in Bonewerkz today…" I said.

'Beep beep beep! All Sligs report to duty now…' The Glukkons voice filled the room with shivers and squeals of fear.

"See you soon, I hope!" I said to 14 as I farewelled him.

I walked on to Bonewerkz, a bit excited, as I had never been there before. Still the idea was not too appealing… By the story 14 told me… I was a bit afraid that it would happen to me.

I was there. It was nothing special. A whole lot of work for me to do. Don't ask what I have to do, you don't want to know.

I approached a cart. I could get in and roll around, but I couldn't be bothered. I would just march up and down, and do that all afternoon. I walked around the corner; I heard footsteps. I looked around; there was nothing there. Just the cart and bombs, just like there was before.

That was the last thing 15 wrote in his journal. I will continue for you to see why.

15 heard one explosion after the other. He started running. Whoever was in the cart wanted him gone for good. It was gaining speed on him. He was dead, Abe, who was that murder in the cart had killed him. The only good soul in the world of Sligs, was gone.

Sligs don't have funerals, so 14 could only wonder where 15 had gone. He didn't even know he was dead.

Did that story touch you? Or make you cry? I hope from now on when you think of Sligs, you will think of 15, and how much he cared for the Mudokons…

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